uninstalling apps for mental health sake

I didn't delete my accounts. I uninstalled tick tock, discord, and instagram. Tick tock and Instagram because there's such high speed information highways and a visual platform demands my attention because I'm a visual person. Tick tock also because it allows fascism. It's way too easy to see traumatizing stuff on there.

Instagram is much less problematic, because it stays within a bubble. Too much of an information highway, though. And since I'm a visual person it's hard for me to put down on its own so I have to go so far to install it.

I uninstalled discord again for the similar reasons I've uninstalled it in the past. Toxic White people. This time, they've all decided to Stonewall me because I spoke out against another toxic group of white people. I realized I was doing too much work to try to network between people that don't want anything to do with me. Absolutely no reason to delete my discord account, though. There are a lot of different communities on discord. Fuck white leftism, and fuck whiteness, in general.


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