ready to leave MN and stop living with people

I'm ready to leave Minnesota because I'm ready to go somewhere that I'm not A burden. I'm going to go stay with my friend in Colorado for a week or 2 before I set out into the unknown. Well, still not totally unknown since I'm going back to Albuquerque and Arizona.

 Everywhere I lived since I've been here I've been some sort of burden. Whether or not I was actually a burden, I was treated like a problem or I felt bad for bringing negative energy into the situation. It was one of the refreshing things about being an airbnb's for a while. Not having to worry about being a burden. I'm paying to be there so I'll be treated the same, my concerns will be treated with respect. My biggest thing was not having housemates or live in landlord to try to impress. Just enjoy the space and go to my room. What messed that up was that crazy anti science white woman airbnb I had. 

It's also on me to not try to impress or try to relate or have a sense of Camaraderie with everyone I stay with. To me, it makes the living situation safer, but it's not always best for the living situation for the sake of the sake of getting along with others. Sometimes, I really can just go to my room and be quiet and stay to myself. I don't have to get to know people are trying to be friends, and that's for me to navigate. It's also not up to me to take it personally when people don't want to be friends or when I can't relate to certain people. I actually like having housemates and talking to people, but it might be time for me to figure out how to live on my own.

 My financial situation doesn't have a lot of options, but I still have options. Navigating a safe place to tent and camp, going to a place where squatting is legal and squat a property. Living outside is a lot to figure out climate wise. When it comes to a squat I don't know if I want to maintain a house. I'm not afraid of asking for help, it's just a house can be a lot to maintain.

I have a lot of time to think about it.


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