from drama to out on bail

 As soon as I put down the drama with my shity landlords, I get one day of peace and all hell breaks loose. To catch up: I passed Jeremy loading note, and he ripped it up period after I told him I'm laughing at him and his mama he got in my face and threatened to sue me for property damage. when I asked him what he meant by that he just said I'm making changes without their permission, but didn't list a specific event. I'm sure that would go very well in court. I informed him that he failed to intimidate me, but could have possibly passed me carnivorous and I went to go test. I haven't gotten my results back, but I'm not feeling sick or anything so I'm going to say I don't have coronavirus.

 I know it's all our jobs to assume that we're asymptomatic and have on mass for the sake of others, but I have prior damage from childhood asthma. I doubt I would be one of the people to be asymptomatic. The next day, Jeremy had what I assume was a housemate interview with someone with a small child. I could have been wrong, but I would rather assume that than assume not. I told Sarah and Jeremy that if a child moves in here, I'm not going to continue to contact them outside of when I need to inform them of something. I am not interested in making this a negative environment for a child, or any other housemate with or without child, honestly.

 And then the next day happened. October 7th - Derek Sheldon got out of prison on bail, the vice presidential debate happened, and a lot of other things happened that all added up as well. before I found out Derek was bailed out, my day was going very well. I was having a fantastic mental health day! It was sunny and warm, I got food from the food shelf, therapist appointment, great day! one of my new friends sent me a text message that doesn't tell me what's going on, and then I go to Twitter to find that Derek chauvin has been bailed out. 

of course, there was a protest that night, there's a protest tonight, and there will continue to be protests. At one point I felt like someone somewhere within the powers that be was casting some sort of experiment on black people and our mental and emotional health. Now I've shifted towards the powers that being no longer want to be in power, and they don't want to take the responsibility of dismantling their own structure so they're having us do the free labor for them. If the powers that be wanted to stay in power, they wouldn't be playing this game when the consequences have become so obvious.

I went back to George Floyd square and I went to a self-defense Meetup today. I talked to a lot of different people and learned a lot of things. I have a good amount of food now, but I didn't eat much today. I'm glad I have the food for when I get my appetite back. 


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