2 long emotional messages I just sent Sarah and Jeremy - but not what I normally do

 As I've stated, I'm no longer chasing accountability and closure. I'm letting them know how I feel and being invested in my own message, knowing they will not respond. They'll do their passive aggressive whatevers, but they're too afraid to respond to me directly, but I'm not afraid of them. I'm not a coward, like they are. The fact is, no one here is threatening, but Sarah is choosing to treat me like a threat, but be comfortable in the same space with me. Sarah wants to be a coward to make me look mentally and emotionally unstable to get her way and it hasn't worked, it's not working, and it's not going to work. What bothers me the most is that we have to go through all these extra charges just because Sarah doesn't want to let me live in peace, and be safe during a pandemic and civil war. But, if she wants the bull she;s getting the horns. I'm angry. My anger is valid and normal. I will not apologize. Fuck Sarah and Jeremy.



 Sarah, Jeremy,

It's the lies. I'm willing to bet money that you filled out paperwork to make it look like you moved, Sarah, even though we all know you live here and never stop living here at any point of this situation you tried to manufacture. It's the cheating. The vague description around events so you, Sarah, can avoid the responsibility of how what I said and did was a reaction to situations that you manufactured, and taking snippets of what I said out of context to make me look spontaneous and unstable.

Following in line with the Jewish belief that there is no hell, and that you are reincarnated until you learn your lesson, your ancestors will judge you far more harshly than anything any other earthly being can do to you, Sarah. I don't know why you're vegan, but if it's for moral reasons you may as well eat meat, because you're treating another animal, a homo sapien, as though they deserve violence.

You did not have the right to commit violence against me because I'm staying in your home. Staying in your home for the sake of my safety during a pandemic and civil war. When it is safe to leave, I will leave, and mentally and emotionally healthy people would understand that and not agitate the situation. If you would like to claim that you are healthy, Sarah and Jeremy, please point to any other healthy person that would do or has done any of the things that you've done throughout this whole situation. Examine a mentally and emotionally healthy person that wouldn't have taken the route of communication and tried to work the situation out the best they could.

I've had plenty of housemates before living here, and I've had disagreements with mentally and emotionally healthy people. We talked through our grievances and work things out. I've had plenty of mentally and emotionally healthy conversations and communications with people outside of living situations. By all means, Sarah and Jeremy, with the belief that you've done nothing wrong, please examine where your behavior was mentally and emotionally healthy.

I have examined my behavior in retrospect, and even though there's a long line of pettiness and I've made some mistakes, I never would have dreamed of doing all of the crap that you, Sarah and Jemery, have put me through. Before even getting to staging moving out to try to add to make someone look threatening and try to claim that they are harassing me, I wouldn't have gone so far as to remove someone from a utility like the internet during a pandemic in civil war. I wouldn't have made a fake Court document, which I do still have. And I would dare to point to a mentally and emotionally healthy person that would do any of those things, Sarah and Jeremy. Check your sources, Sarah and Jeremy.

What mentally and emotionally healthy person would stage moving out and then take a whole bunch of stuff out of context to try to make a harassment and threatening lawsuit with it? If your answer is a person who is afraid, my question is a person who is afraid of what? What is that person so afraid of that they staged moving out but didn't actually go anywhere? Point to a healthy person that would continue to live with someone that they are threatened by? Point to a healthy person that would stage moving out, but sit comfortably with the person that they're trying to claim is threatening, and even walk up closely behind them and just stand for an awkward amount of seconds and that person's personal space. And then a few weeks later ramble and the drawers looking for Tupperware also right next to that person while they're standing at the kitchen sink. Because you did both those things to me AFTER you filed the suit and requested the hearing for the failed suit. Where's the threat? What healthy stable person would label someone as a threat and then get physically in their personal bubble? and I'm talking much less than six feet then the CDC guidelines for the coronavirus pandemic.

Jeremy, let's start from the beginning. You let someone else make the decision for you that I was bad, despite the relationship and bonding that I thought we were building period what healthy person let someone else make the decision for them like that? what healthy person can't distinguish in their own mind that these two separate people are having a problem, and you don't need to involve yourself?

What healthy and decent person would forge a legal document, and count on the person to be ignorant enough to believe it is real? what person that would call themselves healthy and decent kick someone off of a communication utility during a civil war or pandemic? what healthy, decent person would view themselves justified in feeling it is an act righteous of punishment to weaponize a basic communication utility? What decent healthy person would you want to associate yourself with would put themselves in the position of thinking they have the righteous being to feel like they can punish someone else, even before getting to part where that person weaponized a utility?

The behavior of lying, cheating, weaponizing, sabotaging, and manipulating all count as mentally and emotionally healthy? Although it is vaguely described, you, Sarah, entered in that my accusations of you and Jeremy being mentally and emotionally unhealthy is a part of the complaints to add to why you feel like I'm threatening and harassing.

I don't believe that mentally and emotionally healthy people lie, cheat, weaponized, sabotage, and manipulate - or at least not to the degree that you both have decided to take out on me for how I'm responded to your actions an events as we have gone on. But I'm not here to change your mind. If you believe that these actions are mentally and emotionally healthy within yourselves, you are the company that you keep. Liars, cheaters, weaponizers, sabotagers, and manipulators of the common people. People less fortunate than you.

Obviously, it would be different if you were using those skills against capitalism and pipelines. However, you, Sarah and Jeremy, are using these skills against a one single black person with generational and lifetime trauma, mental and emotional health issues, that is trying to stay safe during a pandemic in civil war. Would you associate yourself with someone else like that? Would you call that person or those people mentally and emotionally healthy?


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