cat poop of the new year
in more detail, I talk to someone at the house that I was staycationing in about housemates with cats, since there are four cats at that house. The person Expressed that they've had to talk to their housemates about the cats as well, and it turned out that the cats had legitimate problems as to why their habits were the way they were. at that house, the house needs comfort is actually important to them, unlike here.
I sent the email with the information that I had, that the cat's poop is the way that it is maybe because the animal might be sick or have a bacteria. One of the cat owner's got back to me saying that they checked, I assume that means that they check for worms, and that means it's okay. I followed up with them saying that they could check for worms, but there's no way they could tell that the animal has a bacteria. Not to say that animal check-ups don't cost money, but this is a consistent problem. And if the cat is using a dirty litter box, it can't be difficult to get a bacteria.
They try to deflect at some point, but I wasn't having it. but I'm thinking because since I talked to both of them this time, they would try to do better. But then I got home, and everything I addressed them on was an issue. Of course, they cleaned it up quickly, and that was days ago, but now the cat poop has been sitting in the litter box since an earlier point of yesterday (it's just past 12).
I'm convinced that they don't even smell it anymore. The cat poop has eroded that some of their senses.
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