if you're going to act like a capitalist I'm going to treat you like a capitalist
What I sent to Sarah via Paypal payments today:
Get a therapist. You need to let out whatever is festering inside of you to make you think that trying to put someone out during a pandemic is/ was appropriate. It would really only benefit you to address whatever problems you're having.
You can try to rationalize what you did with how you're willing to pay for me, but money would not have replaced any lives lost from me being put into an uncertain situation. You were willing to pay for me to go down to Iowa, when they're also in a very uncertain situation, knowing that I was going down there to be houseless. As for Minnesota, You only willing to pay until May, which would have still left me in an uncertain situation.
You thought it was appropriate to try to throw money at me, who you've labeled as a problem, to make me go away. And then you brought up money later to try to justify how you were treating me. That's disgusting and disturbing. And also very capitalist.
Even if I'm asymptomatic, I could have given covid-19 to someone else and that person would have gotten sick and or died. The part of what's making the situation scary for everyone is that we don't really know what's going on because our government is withholding resources like tests.
Your fragility should be something that you're trying to work on when it could possibly cost people their lives, and that's what's going on here now. It would really benefit you to understand that how what you trying to do to me is highly disturbing, and possibly lethal and fatal for someone. And if you're trying to be who you say you are and wanting to contribute to the community in fruitful ways that should not be okay with you. Get a therapist, because you seriously need professional help.
PayPal couldn't take that much text, so I had to split it up, as to why I'm copying and pasting the text here.
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