I'm climbing up the ladder of achievement
I've been getting things together with my health. I'm almost done with my intro to psychology course! I'm the most excited about that. I just blew through the reading and quizzes that I wasn't doing before, because I figure I'm out here at this point I may as well go for whatever degree they're going to give me. There's one section that I intentionally skipped because as an lgbtq person, I have particular contentment towards that person's findings, but fortunately I could skip the video lectures and they would still count because they check off at the end of the video.
I also didn't do any of the reading because reading isn't how I learn best. The quizzes were sent memory and some guests, and that only failed one, and it's the last one in the course. I failed I mean failed all of my three chances that I get every 8 hours. I'll try again tomorrow. I kept track of how I answered and notes, so I have it very narrow down to past the quiz on the fourth try!
after this, I do one of the social media courses that my friend that led me to this initially suggested. I should probably make a dental appointment, and make an appointment to have my glasses registered. I don't really want to go to the dentist with coronavirus going on though. I don't think I have any cavities, but I am having some pain. But I can take a little pain in that catch the plague. it looks like there's a vaccine right around the corner, so I'm looking forward to being able to safely move out. I don't know where I'm going to go, but I know I'm going to get the fuck out of here with these psychopaths.
for all the toil those knuckleheads have put me through, and the knuckleheads before them, I'm very thankful and appreciative to be able to be in a safe place for all this other chaos is going on outside. We're expecting another shutdown, which a lot of us already saw coming. The government needs to call a shelter in place, and make an official announcement to keep putting off evictions.
in the meantime, we still got to fight with Minneapolis Police department. A few days ago they kettled and redistributed protesters and random places in the city period they separated teens from adults and dropped people off on street corners at night. And what did city council do? They gave them more money. They're rewarding them for their bad behavior. They're rewarding them for abusing the citizens. We haven't heard anything from the orange shirts, but last I heard they are back in training from the group that they're originally designed from that's based in New York period they need as much training as they can get, to be able to deal with the public without throwing their feelings around everywhere.
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