message from me about contributing to the space

 I decided to pay close to what I would normally pay for the contribution of utilities. My contributing to the space that I continue to use resources from is more important than continuing to participate in a manufactured manipulative narrative that I allowed to change me into a monster. This is a part of my commitment to disassociate myself from that narrative and that monster.

However, I'm still not paying full because the dryer is still broken, I pay for my own separate internet, and I don't know whether or not y'all actually did something about the yellow jacket nest. It caused me a lot of anxiety to be in my own room for fear of getting stung.

Also, the compost canister is nasty and moldy, which is a health concern, and I didn't contribute to that situation at all. please clean that out before you bring it back into the house, because that's very disgusting and easily a health hazard from constantly breathing in mold. I'll pay more money as I have it to make a reasonable monthly payment.


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