After Therapist: Dec
First of all, it feels hears to talk to my therapist again after everything that's happened.
Of course, I couldn't cover every detail but I covered the most pressing stuff. Mostly about the housemates and the overall situation going on at the house, and my previous experiences with housemates, since I've been here. Of course, I'm not claiming to be perfect, but I feel I'm closer to it from what I've encountered. Most of the people I've lived with have been toxic, mansplainers, and traitors.
One of them committed suicide. And in that house, that was the second person someone who live there to commit suicide. This place gravitates very unfortunate souls. I suppose I should consider myself lucky. in the meantime, my current has made it probably had some of their brain eating away by all of the cat feces fumes.
best thing that I have the most feelings about, though. We also talked about protests, social media, and some other things I have more minor feelings about. I didn't tell my therapist about the trainings, but I feel like those be worth talking about after I've completed both of them.
I'm looking forward to talking to my mom again, next month, as well.
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